
full stack developer

philip jovanovic

germany - frankfurt/hamburg



For everyday tasks i'm mostly using NodeJS + TypeScript for api's and recently started Go for the newest api development. NextJS as a frontend Framework and Electron for Applications


My go-to database is MongoDB with some custom Redis caching if needed but i've also worked a lot with MySQL back in the days.


Obviously GitHub and VSCode for are the best tools for development ;) along with Notion and Figma for organizing/structuring workflows and ui/ux designs

Scallet Twitter Card

2018 - (from time to time)

scallet- crypto currency payment gateway

biggest steps in terms of programming skills have been made with building this payment gateway for a crypto currency called scala . A privacy coin established in 2018 which i joined right at the start.

Solyd Twitter Card

2019 - (currently in re-development)

solydbot - sneaker bot

During the development of SolydBot i've learned a lot about the security of websites/shop systems + a deeper understanding of how requests work on a very low level and how you can detect different behaviour due to TLS fingerprinting etc.

Also managing a big community and shipping production ready Applications which covers customer support, dashboards and cool features often lead to spain without s.

Cycle Twitter Card

end 2021 - (active development)

cycle - bicycle marketplace

The challenge at cycle was the complexity of an backend which covers every aspect of a full blown two sided marketplace. The iterations of the functionalities lead to many big chunks of code changes throughout the development.

Nofy Twitter Card

in development

nofy - developer tools

Nofy is a toolbox for developer which have to tackle tidious tasks every time they spend time on a new (side)project(s). It contains all necessary stuff such as various analytics, invoice creating, notification system, image resizing (more to come) to implement one service instead of many.

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